Thoughts are Temporary, Consequences are permanent !!!!!!

Imagine you are surrounded by happiness, You have a life full of excitement, and you still have the blushy smile on face all the time, no matter what your age is .You have a smile and excitement on the face just as you are newly fallen in love. A zing of positivity is everywhere, you feel loved, appreciated, and you are laughing all the time till tears roll down your eyes.

Visualizing this picture you get the “Good Wali feeling” and this is what we want all the time, to feel good, to feel good all the time. The more you feel good the more you get confidence and the more you gain the confidence you try to do things you love. But we can’t have that “good wali” feeling all the time. Human action interaction cannot be of the same frequency all the time, nor do emotions, situations as well.


Image by Daniel Reche from Pixabay


We are born and we die. rest is all the illusion, the beliefs around us, the social surroundings where we live are part of the illusion.

We all human beings belong to the animal category first. Wherever human species live they adopt the ways of survival in every situation this is the reality of life.

They say a man is a social animal he cannot live alone so there are an exchange of thoughts and a way of expressing emotions. Well going deeply for understanding these things might be a complicated process for few, We understand the language of expressions which many might fail to use it in a proper way to show which results in miscommunication to disasters in a relationship.


Image by Tú Anh from Pixabay


Sometimes a person feels powerless in front of natural calamities like famine, drought where he finds surviving is hard. Sometimes he feels weak due to different kinds of loneliness in life, heartbreaks, death of loved ones when he cannot find likeminded people around him but more than that when he feels he is not understood loved or cared by anyone. And when a person feels weak, when he feels he cannot get over things situation, there comes a moment in a lifetime where a person feels extremely lonely, depressed and finds no way to cure the pain. At that point, he may feel committing suicide. It’s just a moment that comes and goes just like you breathe in and out but in that impulsive moment, a person can end life. This is the moment when you don’t have to act impulsively but wait for one day, shout, yell, talk to anyone you feel like. I came across a quote many times which states “People keep asking about your salary, your achievements, your relationship status but no one asks how happy you are?”

We all know some people play mind games, there are few keep taunting, comparing, the manipulative, the ones who aren’t selfless, the only takers and not givers and the list goes on. When give and take of love, affection and things are not in equal proportion it causes stress, depression.


Image by John Hain from Pixabay


We are bombarded with thoughts that stay away from toxic people, stay away from negative people. …stay away from this, Stay away from that Be where positivity is. Nothing is as important as yourself. We keep shouting self-love, self-care. These all quotes and lines should be applicated in life just like a pinch of salt we should beware the fine line of selflessness is not crossed and selfishness takes in..



Image by silviarita from Pixabay


Instead of why it is not said to detoxify the toxic ones. Try to fix broken pieces, And try to give a zest of positivity to negative ones. Maybe someone may transform change. We can’t cry on our shoulders and hug ourselves too, how much ever self-love, self-care you have. We human beings are not toys to play with each other but the power of “WE” should be reminded and remember every time. We are not meant to walk alone but together. Bhutan is one of my favorite countries because Gross National Happiness (GNH) is more important than Gross Domestic Product (GDP). We all can’t go and settle down in Bhutan but make our surroundings but we can give happiness by taking care of each other and make the world a better place

-Shraddha Jagdale

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