Croaks and Hisses & Macro Photography in the Western Ghats
Most of you must have been in the monsoon to visit the lovely western ghats. Truly indescribable is the glory of western ghats. The lush green forests, beautiful streams that cut through the rocks, clouds that touch the ground and a feeling of being in heaven. We all experienced it.
But have you ever entered western ghats ‘ thick woods just to chase a frog call?? The difference between beauty and fear is knowledge. Therefore read on and your enthusiasm for this will boost and fear will diminish
About the Western Ghats
The Western Ghats have dense, humid jungles with a tropical evergreen ecosystem elevated in its level of biodiversity.
Croaks and hisses can be heard in all stretches of Western Ghats. Western Ghats jungles get filled in monsoon with the noises of these animals, and letting these animals sing is enjoyable and peaceful. Some famous Western Ghat’s hot spots are Bhimashankar, Matheran, Tamhini Ghat, Mahabaleshwar, KoynaNagar, Amboli Ghats, Agumbe, Coorg, Wayanad, and list.
Some species are endemic to this region, while some are found throughout.
Amboli has an endemicspecies called Tiger toad or Amboli toad. Some reptiles discovered in Wester Some of the reptiles found in the Western Ghats are Green Vine Snake, Malabar Pit Viper, Bamboo Pit Viper, King Cobra and many more.
The Western Ghats are also home for several species of lizards and geckos. Banded Gecko is the one commonly found in Amboli. Amphibians include Malabar Gliding Frog, Wrinkled Frog, Narrow Mouth Toad, Indian Bull Frog, etc.

Need for Conservation:
Reptiles and Amphibians are backbones of any ecosystem. Ecosystems health can be predicted by the changing population of these creatures. The Western Ghats houses many endangered, endemic, rare species that are needed to be protected. Records must be kept of such rare sightings. Conservation is not possible without documentation and awareness. To conserve any these species, proper awareness must spread among nature enthusiasts as well as the people. Habitat destruction is a major threat that these creatures are facing.
Herping is an act of searching for amphibians or reptiles and their study is called herpetology. The search for these creatures is mostly done by taking walking trails in the specific terrain where herping activity is to be carried out. The best time to search for these is during the night when your chances of spotting few species are high, as they are mostly nocturnal.
Only a few species on the planet are seen in the rainforests. Few species disappear after rain. Wildlife researchers still have to figure out their mysterious behavior. Techniques used to locate toads and frogs involving listening to their calls.

Amphibians and reptiles can be found in similar habitats and can be found in most types of habitats. Herptiles are highly sensitive to weather and often appear in heavy rain. A new species is found annually. Also, some of the others are critically endangered each year due to loss of habitat and lack of awareness.
Amphibians and reptiles are significant members of both aquatic and terrestrial ecosystems.
The health of the ecosystem can be well predicted by the changes in the amphibian population. Since they are sensitive to various ecosystem threats, early indicators of changing ecosystems may be considered. Species inhabiting pristine forests are rarely seen in degraded habitats. Reptiles make up an important percentage of the middle-order predator that keeps our natural ecosystem working.

With any camera you have, macro photography is best practiced. Special equipment is also available for Macro photography. Even if you own a simple point and shoot a digital camera, it can make a big difference to your creativity. You can get good shots with just a few basic camera settings and equipment.
As far as DSLR cameras are concerned, there is a broad variety of macro photography facilities on the market. A fundamental DSLR camera can also be used with or without facilities to get the job done. All you have to do is step out
Before heading out for nature photography
One must have a reasonable understanding of the significance of defending and maintaining the welfare of the photographed species and are not harmed by one of your activities. Aim to be conscious and kept in mind for herping or macro photography
The aim of herping or macro photography is to be conscious of and maintain records of species discovered in that particular ecosystem.Macro Photography must be carried out in a way that does not pose any danger to yourself or the topic. A secure distance has to be maintained. It is not
necessary to entertain the topic for the required shot. It must be done without any disruption to the topic. Sometimes a photograph must be used responsibly on social media without revealing the place. The target of poachers can be rare and
endangered species. If anybody notices any unethical methods, you have to attempt to inform them and advise them tactfully
to follow ethical methods. It is of utmost significance to understand nature
without disturbing it.
TravelEarth360’s Objective:
TravelEarth360 benefits nature by making individuals conscious of nature and its ethics in all kinds. Conservation through consciousness may be a strong factor in any conservation activity. Being a responsible ecotourism community, TravelEarth360 is dedicated to following every possible ethics that is essential for nature welfare. Sustainable tourism can strongly promote conservation
–Ajinkya Madhekar(TravelEarth360)